Monday, April 13, 2009

Chestnut Garden for Spring!

Hello posse,

This Tuesday, we'll be meeting at 7:30 pm at the corner of 16th & Chestnut (on the East Side). We're going to be sprucing up the Chestnut neighborhood garden for spring! The garden has been thriving in the community, with neighbors volunteering to water the garden and placing new plants in the ground. It's in an empty lot, so there is lots of room to expand it.

Greg has plants, and he'll be heading up the mission. If you have any questions, email him at Feel free to bring any seeds or plants you would like to donate, as well as tools and flashlights (always helpful).

Also, over the weekend we received a veritable bonanza of tomato plants from Gardens. There are three flats of different varieties sitting outside my apartment now. Do you have any ideas of what to do with a bonanza of tomatoes? Let us know.


Thomas said...

Unfortunately, I won't be able to make it out that night since I have other plans. Shame, since it is just a few blocks from my house, and I have been watching you guys with keen interest. Thanks for your efforts!

You may like to know that we are trying to start a Chestnut community garden too, ideally around 13th & Cedar if we can obtain a lot around there.

As for the tomatoes, I don't know how they will do in an unattended place like your guerilla gardens due to their watering requirements. However, I think heavily laden tomato vines climbing along fences would be a great addition to our expanding edible urban landscape. What about one of those ugly CapMetro fences built around the rail lines?

megan said...

i completely spaced on this. i live right up the street and helped dig it up the first time around. i really enjoy walking by it and keep meaning to add to the stone border. i have some extra mexican feather grass i can put in -- along with some mulch, if needed.

thanks for all your efforts.

maybe in the fall we can put in a wildflower portion of the garden. i have seeds to contribute.
