Thursday, January 21, 2010

We are back!

It's been quiet, or more like completely silent around here at the blog for the past few months. Chalk it up to cold weather, lots of traveling on Lindsay's part, and an Arctic blast that made us pray for the survival of our gardens. But the good news is that it's warming up again. Outside the window looks downright balmy, in fact.

We're looking forward to this season. First of all, the episode of Central Texas Gardener featuring the Garden Posse is coming up on KRLU. It's going to premiere on February 27, at noon and 4 pm. It will feature the music of the Posse's unofficial favorite band, the Unbearables, with instrumental versions of their zombie rock opera! At the end of one song they sing, "Beets are in season" (which I am told is a zombie non-sequiter), pretty appropriate for a gardening show, no? Linda has promised to send us a DVD so we can set up a viewing party and watch it at our pleasure.

Also, we are going to get our website going soon! For real this time. No, guys, seriously, for real. We own the domain, and we hope we can put something decent looking up there soon.

We're meeting on a semi-regular basis now, and we plan to get a couple of guerrilla projects on the docket for February. We are looking for sites, and we are expanding the type of sites we are looking for. Please help us locate sites in your area! We are looking for sites appropriate for:

- New vegetable-focused gardens (neglected public space, near source of water, needs to be maintained by neighbors)

- Wildflowers! (large areas appropriate for broadcasting seeds. Think roadsides, triangles, medians)

- Native fruit tree groves (large areas that have room for one or more large trees)

- Invasive species removal

- Wildlife habitats (for bats, birds, and bees)

- Places appropriate for home-made container gardens (sidewalks, wherever!)

Put your sites (with an approximate address) in the comments, or email us at Or just come to our next meeting/ cocktail party! It's at Rio Rita, on East 6th St, Tuesday 1/26 at 8 pm.

Hope to see you this spring!


LindaCTG said...

I must say: this video is so inspiring! You all rock. And the music is superb. Thank you so very much!

The Garden Posse said...

No, thank YOU! We are so happy to be featured on an awesome gardening show (and get to choose the music!) We can't wait to see it.

Paddy Tawada said...

Really love what you all are doing. Last March, an idea/movement came to me and the same week, I stumbled across the Chestnut Garden Posse. I have a blogsite called and plan to officially launch this mid March. I'd like to stay in contact and invite you to the launch event. I think we can help promote urban gardening and take this to another level. Keep up the great work. I'll keep an eye on the Chestnut guerilla garden when I can.


The Garden Posse said...

Paddy, glad you found us! Keep us updated at