Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Help thirsty plants!

Is your New Year's Resolution to help out the Garden Posse, or commit random acts of kindness and generosity? If so, get an early start on 2009 by a couple of hours! Our 5 gallon watering jug at the 34th street garden (across from Salvation Pizza) was stolen during the past week. As a result, the plants are looking very thirsty. The garden would much appreciate a new watering jug!

Empty 5 gallon jugs sell for $14 at Wheatsville, and although we got some for $6 at HEB, I have checked with the HEBs on 41st and Burnet and they only sell full jugs. (The one on South Congress might still sell them - that's where the stolen jug came from.)

Or, it would be awesome if you had one or more extra jugs around that you wanted to donate. We will certainly need them as we create more gardens. Just drop them off at the garden, or to be safe, behind Salvation Pizza. We have permission to stash a jug there.

Email if you can help today (12/31), or would like to make future contributions of gardening goods.


Unknown said...

I'd love to help! I live a couple blocks away from this garden on Speedway, and have always wondered who this little gem belongs to.

The Garden Posse said...

Great! I bought a new water jug for this garden, but we'll definitely need more for the future. I found out HEB only offers empty jugs during the summer as a "seasonal" item. We will have to stock up then.

Erin, if you live close to the garden, please feel free to harvest the veggies and herbs, and water and weed!
